
Main page 4 Download

You can try OfficeFiler free for a 2 month trial period. If you decide to use OfficeFiler after the trial period expires, you need to register it.
After 1 month, each time OfficeFiler starts it will remind you of the evaluation time left.
If you do not register OfficeFiler after 2 months, the index will become read-only. You will still have access to all the document you saved in OfficeFiler, but you will not be able to add new documents any more.

To download and install your copy of OfficeFiler, go through the following steps:
4 Click here to download your copy of OfficeFiler. This will download the OfficeFiler Setup program. Save it anywhere on your computer (e.g. in C:\Temp).
The download is about 1 MB, taking around 5 minutes if you are connected with a phone modem.
4 After downloading, run the Setup program (OfficeFiler.Exe). This will install OfficeFiler in a folder you choose, by default C:\Program Files\OfficeFiler.